Robot kit

From Fri3d WIKI 2018
Revision as of 07:20, 18 August 2018 by Bgey (Talk | contribs) (Build instructions)

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Tijdens de robot presentatie (na de openingsceremonie) wordt uitgelegd hoe je de robot kit kan bouwen

Software pre-requisites


Arduino IDE -


Save as zip

In Arduino IDE: Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Libarary ...

Build instructions

YouTube video met bouwinstructies:

Calibrate motors

Install calibration program

Q: where do I find the calibration program? A: If you have installed the Fri3dcamp library inside the arduino IDE, you can find the calibration under the following menu item:

File > Example > Fri3d Camp Badge > 4.Kits > RobotKit > MotorCalibratie

Q: how to calibrate the servo's? A: Once the calibration program has been flashed on the badge, you will be able to calibrate the servo's.

The following buttons can be used to navigate and manipulate the application:

- BOOT - Go to the next step in the progress - BTN0 - Up - BTN1 - Down

- Step 1: Choose the servo to calibrate - Step 2: Navigate the servo to the 0 degrees position - Step 3: Navigate the servo to the 180 degrees position - Step 4: Save your changes

Bedrading van de motoren

0 - Linker Enkel

1 - Rechter Enkel

2 - Linker Heup

3 - Rechter Heup